Sunday, October 27, 2013

Managers Comments

John Farrell-
How could Middlebrooks get out of the way if Middlebrooks is on the ground?
Should have pinch-hit for Wokman
Jim Joyce was first to call Interference NOT Dana DeMuth
Salty shouldn't have thrown down to third
2 errors is two much

Rule 2.00
Up to Judgement of Umpire

MLB Network analist Kevin Millar says that Natural reaction or not it is still Obstrution
Expect the lineup to shuffle for Game 4
Craig might be in the lineup
The throw from Salty HAD to be caught
BOS 5 errors in 3 WS games
Middlebrooks says Craig was pushing off of him
Middlebrooks Impeaded the play

Umpires Comments:
There does not have to be intent
Feet were up in the air
Feet were with the area that Craig needs to run un-obstructed
Joe Torre:
The Umpires made the correct call
Would have been safe if unobtruted
Play rarely happens
Joyce did a great job called obstruction immediately