Each on the ballot for the first time, Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, and Frank Thomas were voted in to the Hall of Fame. Craig Biggio, who was on the ballot for the second time, was just two votes short of being voted in, making it almost certain that he will be voted in next year. Maddux, Glavine, and Thomas will join managers Joe Torre, Bobby Cox, and Tony La Russa, who were voted in by the Veterans Committee in early December. Notables: Jack Morris received 61.5% of votes in his 15th and final year on the ballot, and Mike Piazza received 62.2% in his second year on the ballot. PED users: Roger Clemens-35.4%, Barry Bonds- 34.7%, Mark McGwire- 11%, Sammy Sosa- 7.2%, and Rafael Palmeiro- 4.4%.

Here are more details on the new inductees:
Starting Pitcher Greg Maddux
- received 97.2% of votes
- played from 1986-2008 with Cubs, Braves, Dodgers, and Padres
- 355-227 record, 3.16 ERA, and 3,371 K's in 5008.1 innings pitched
Starting Pitcher Tom Glavine
- received 91.9% of votes
- played from 1987-2008 with Braves and Mets

- 305-203 record, 3.54 ERA, and 2,607 K's in 4413.1 innings pitched
First Basemen/Designated Hitter Frank Thomas
- received 83.7% of votes
- played from 1990-2008 with White Sox, Athletics, and Blue Jays
- .301 AVG, 521 HR, and 1,704 RBI's
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